Electricity is an indispensable aspect of our day-to-day lives that we heavily rely on at home, in the office as well as business. We rely on the constant supply of electricity to run a wide range of appliances in both living and work spaces. Without electricity, a lot could go wrong and businesses might end up with huge losses. Since electricity is also used in hospitals and other healthcare institutions to power life support equipment, outages can sometimes even result in death of patients.
In places like airports and industrial environments, power outages can heavily disrupt operations, impacting so much inconvenience and losses. Power outages could also result in security breaches both in homes and businesses, putting people and assets at risk. All these issues can stem from a wide range of causes, some of which can be easily prevented if you know the precise elements.
Main causes of power failure in Singapore that you should know.
Natural Causes
Studies show that most of the cases of power outages in Singapore usually result from natural elements. These elements are weather and environmental related, which means that they are caused by changes in the weather and environment. They include lightning, flooding, winds, rain, snowfall, earthquakes and storms. Strong winds, lightning, rain and floods can cause various forms of damage to electrical systems and appliances, resulting in the loss of power.
Electrical appliances like circuit breakers, power outlets, switches and wiring should be properly cushioned from moisture since that could easily cause short circuits and other faults on their components. Those installed outdoors should be properly insulated and sealed to withstand the impacts of weather and environmental changes. Whenever you are installing electrical appliances outdoors, make sure that you use the recommended electrical components for outdoor environments.
Dust is also another natural element that can cause significant damage to electrical components and sudden power outage if left to accumulate. As such, all electrical components installed in areas prone to dust and strong winds should also be protected. Seal the important components like circuit boxes to prevent the accumulation of dust. Besides, the components should also be strongly secured during installation to keep them in position so that strong winds cannot easily blow them away.
There is no precise way for stopping these natural occurrences but, you can avoid their impacts on your electrical systems to reduce the chances of power outages. After rainfall, snow, strong winds, lightning strikes or floods, the electrical systems and appliances should be carefully inspected for damage. This can help you to identify and address any problems in time before they develop and start causing frequent power failures.
Other Causes
Apart from the elements of environment and weather discussed above, there are other causes of power outage that you should also know. These include.
Humans, pets and wild animals
People can also accidentally interfere with electrical components, causing power failure. Whether at home or in the business space, people can mistakenly cut power lines or damage crucial components for power supply, leaving the entire building in darkness. Besides, activities like constructions can also cause disruptions with power lines, resulting in power outages. On the other hand, power failure can also be caused by human errors that mainly result from wrong installation and mishandling of electrical appliances.
Pets can chew, cut and damage electrical cables if they are not properly insulated and hidden from plain sight. Wild animals inside and around your home can also cause serious interference with electrical systems, leaving you in the dark. For instance, rodents are usually known to cut electrical wiring, which can instantly impact a power outage.
Short circuits
Short circuits are also a common cause of power failure that can create a lot of complications on your electrical systems and appliances. Short circuits occur whenever separate electrical wires come into contact with each other, generating more heat than stipulated for the circuit. Short circuits are dangerous as they can damage the circuit, cause fires and even explosions, resulting into serious injuries in case it happens around people.
Power failure is an experience that none ever wants to go through. At Electrical Service Singapore, we can provide the best solutions to enable you continue accessing electricity during power outages. Simply contact us for power trip and power failure service Singapore.
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